Check for carbon monoxide and gas leaks
Inspection and cleaning of:
pilot burner
main burner
main burner chamber
control devices
safety devices
electrical connections
venting system
air shutters
Check and adjust pilot flame
Check ignition system
Check millivolt level on thermopile
Remove and clean safety glass
Clean firebox
Check thermostat for proper set up and operation
Add/replace embers
Proper log placement

Fireplace tune-up includes the following:

All gas fireplaces should be serviced annually as recommended by gas fireplace manufacturers.
Gas fireplaces can be dangerous if not handled properly and if not serviced regularly by a qualified professional.
Carbon monoxide (CO) is and odorless, poisonous gas formed by gas fireplace that is not operating properly.
Symptoms of CO poisoning include headaches, dizziness, drowsiness, nausea and vomiting.